Part I: Brief Description

This past school year, I transitioned towards standards based grading within my math classroom. I desired a way to provide my students with opportunities to achieve a deeper level of mastery within each standard and the ability to progress at their own pace.



While standards based grading was a step in the right direction, I ended the year feeling defeated. I felt that I was not able to keep up with providing them direct instruction tailored to their needs. My learners were beginning to show a deeper mastery of the content, however they were limited when it came to learning at their own pace. Standards based grading caused my kids to be all over the place-some ahead, some behind, and some right in between- which created difficulty. 

In an effort to solve this dilemma, I propose the solution of receiving a class set (25) of Samsung Chromebook 3 laptops. By having this technology, I would be able to effectively flip my math classroom within the school setting. Flipping my classroom would allow my students to still be able to continue  working at their own pace and receive the direct instruction that they need throughout the year.

No longer would my students have to wait for me to finish working with a small group- they would be able to access all of our math lessons through their individual Chromebook. Additionally, using individual Chromebooks to flip our math classroom would potentially free up class time to allow for more time to practice. Overall, my students would be able to more successfully work towards mastery of the mathematics content and exhibit continued growth.