Failure: Don’t fear it

“Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way” (Rowling, 2008).


Sitting down to write this final blog post, I spent some time reflecting on what I’ve learned during my first semester as a graduate student. This MAET program has been a whirlwind of emotions, blog posts, and assigned readings (not to mentioned elevated levels of stress…)- though I confidently say that by the time class ends tomorrow, I will be walking away as a changed person. Continue reading

What are you afraid of?

We’ve all had encounters with a certain type of person: the (dreaded) questioner.

The questioner seemingly gets on just about everyone’s nerves. They ask question after question after question... are you beginning to picture anyone yet?

Now that you have someone in mind, I have some questions for you to ponder:

Why does the roll of the questioner often have a negative, annoying feel to it? Why does questioning get a bad rap? Continue reading